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The Hill I Die On


DragonFly Tales

Recently I requested that the Worcester District Attorney’s office transfer my sister Molly’s murder case to Hampden County. I didn’t have any one reason that motivated me to write the request, it was after years of DA Early telling my family to “just trust him” when speaking about my sister’s unresolved case. The letter reads,

Massachusetts District Attorney Association

One Bullfinch Place

Suite 202

Boston, MA 02114

September 15, 2022

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to formally request the movement of my sister, Molly Anne Bish’s abduction and murder case from Worcester County to Hampden County Massachusetts. I understand this is an unusual request, and I have outlined below explanations regarding why I think this is a necessary action at this time.

1. Molly’s body was recovered in Palmer Massachusetts in May/June 2003. The largest Search and recovery in Massachusetts history was conducted on over 500 acres. It was through this search and recovery that we collected most of the evidence in Molly’s demise.

2. Recently, DA Early accused Mr. Frank Sumner of being responsible for Molly’s abduction and murder, going so far as to call him a suspect on Channel 5 news. However, he has not been able to produce any concrete or circumstantial evidence to support these claims. Throughout DA Early’s tenure on this case, he has demonstrated “tunnel vision” in regard to certain persons of interest, and disregarding potential perpetrators and tips of information. I have included an email exchange with a former Chief of Police from Massachusetts who discusses the difficulty he encountered providing information regarding a person of interest to the Worcester DA office. Additionally, in 2009 when Mr. Rodney Stanger was brought forward as a person of interest after murdering his girl friend in Florida, the Worcester DA and State Police investigators assigned did not travel down to Florida to interview Rodney in prison or search and secure his home until after Fox News traveled down and was recording items in his trailer. This is all documented in archived footage at Fox News.

3. The Bish Family requested DA Early and Molly’s case investigators to meet with DNA experts Dr. Frederick Bieber and Mr. Rock Harmon to consult on what kind of testing may work best given the state of our physical evidence after 22 years.

Biographies are attached.

DA Early ignored the Bish Family’s request and did not take the opportunity to learn, share and discuss what new technologies may be available to support resolving this case with DNA analysis.

4. Currently DA Early is being investigated for a situation where he and the former Colonel of the State Police, Richard McKeon, changed a police report for a judge’s daughter. There have been several other ethical accusations over the past 16 years. The Bish Family has lost trust in DA Early’s commitment to solving this case. It is our fear that DA Early accused Frank Sumner of Molly’s abduction and murder without evidence and is no longer looking at other persons of interest or considering tips and information.

5. On two separate occasions, the tip line for Molly’s case was disrupted. In January of 2019 I called the Central MA State Police office to report an emergency piece of information and I was told that “no one in the office knew anything about your case Heather”. This past summer of 2022, the tip line established primarily for information regarding Frank Sumner stopped taking calls and it was not until I was alerted that the District Attorney’s office became aware of the disruption. Frequently I am told by people trying to report information that they are not getting calls back after they leave the tip on the tip line. One of the young men who was working on painting a park fence the day Molly went missing, was with the Parks Commissioner (who was her Supervisor) and never interviewed in the entire investigation to corroborate time and place of Molly’s supervisor.

As a representative of the Bish Family, I request that Molly’s unresolved abduction and murder case be moved to DA Gulluni in Hampden County. DA Gulluni has had success in utilizing complex DNA analysis’ to resolve cases that have long been dormant. Very little evidence was recovered from the pond where Molly was abducted from, as a result of the local police department’s negligence to preserve the crime scene. Therefore, most of the evidence secured for this investigation was found in Hampden County where Molly was found. It is our hope that we can meet with DA Gulluni and our new DNA expert resources, Dr. Frederick Bieber and Mr. Rock Harmon to discuss how we can move forward in this investigation utilizing the DNA tests that are available to us.

It does not seem fair that a family of a murdered child cannot trust or believe the investigators working on their case. It hurts to have to reveal these experiences in order to advocate for the best work to be conducted for resolution. Our pursuit of the person responsible for taking our Molly from us knows no limits. Justice is imminent and we hope you will do everything in your power to work with our family to reach a conclusion that is both accurate and evidenced.

Heather Bish, Sister of Molly Bish

This is my last shot. The hill I will die on. I have no other options, and as they say, the truth shall set you free. I can no longer pretend that I “trust” DA Early and his investigators. I have been a part of this case, longer than DA Early, and I will be on it until the day I die. He will retire, he will be able to close the folder.

This is my case. And I am concerned about how evidence is being used and analyzed, I’m concerned about the preservation of that evidence, and I feel it is important to consult with DNA experts who could advise. I feel like my sister deserves that level of care, that all cases do. So, I stand my ground, holding my pen as my sword, and I share my story, our story, hoping my words can convince someone to consider this unusual request.

I’ve created a petition, using the language from the letter, and with the intent of creating an army to back this cause. Please sign below if you want to lend support.

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Oct 03, 2022

Obviously, there is an underlying issue. Its not right, & its not fair.


Oct 03, 2022

Its sad. DA dont care....or protecting a man he knows. Its sick, but happens all the time. Democratic DA s are dirty. They are woven in to a corrupt system. I liked your Dad a lot. He helped my brother. God Bless you & your family. S H


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